Saturday, November 30, 2024

November birding

After returning from Norfolk on Nov 1st, I only had a couple of weeks birding in London before going away to India. Autumn migration tailed off pretty quickly and the only cold weather of the month occurred after I went away. It's been a pretty poor vismig season for finches, apart from an influx of Hawfinch.

Rainham Marshes

I only managed four visits this month but did add another three year ticks: Cattle Egret (finally!), Jack Snipe and Dartford Warbler taking me up to 153 species. There seems to be at least two Dartfords hanging around the Enclosed Bay so hopefully they'll overwinter if the weather stays mild enough.

Staines Reservoir

I was tempted by the photos of a tame Lapland Bunting on the causeway so decided to trek across to the other side of London. I walked up from Ashford station as the bird  was on the east side. There were two small groups of people five metres apart with the bird feeding quite unconcerned in the middle. It was only the second one I've seen in London and certainly the closest Lap I've ever seen.

Lapland Bunting

Walthamstow Wetlands

I decided to make one of my rare visits to this site to see the two long-staying Black-necked Grebes. They were at the far end of Lockwood and unfortunately on the other side so too far away to get any photos. I had a short look around on the south side where the Peregrine was at home on its pylon and a female Red-crested Pochard was on No. 1 res.

Red-crested Pochard


A productive month with six new species photographed this month including finally getting Chaffinch and Goldcrest plus one upgrade. I'm now up to 139 species this year; I won't manage 150 but I'll aim to get one more to make it a round 140.

Brent Goose, Rainham Marshes

Golden Plover, Rainham Marshes

Jack Snipe, Rainham Marshes

Goldcrest, Dagenham Chase

Mistle Thrush, Rainham Marshes (upgrade)

Chaffinch, Dagenham Chase

Lapland Bunting, Staines Res

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