Monday, October 4, 2021

Monday October 4th

Our last birding of the trip was another pre-breakfast visit to Radipole. The overnight rain had stopped so we had a fine dawn at this urban reserve. Janet accompanied us this time and was rewarded with the three roosting Cattle Egrets again by the visitor centre although there were no Greats today.

Cattle Egrets

As usual we made our way to the reedbed platform and watched for half an hour. The egrets soon flew north, no doubt searching for a bovine herd. A few Mipits and Swallows headed south while in the reeds we heard the usual Water Rails, Bearded Tits and Cetti’s Warblers. 

It was soon time to head back for breakfast and then the return train to London. The group trip list was 90 species which considering the wet and windy weather was pretty good.

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