Sunday, March 15, 2020

Day 11 Over the Andes

We checked out of the hotel after an early breakfast and drove upwards to a pass over the Andes. On the way we passed some cliff nest holes of Andean Flicker with at least four birds in attendance. We stopped at around 3,000 metres, seeing Tyrian Metaltail (a hummingbird and not a character from Game of Thrones), Shining Sunbeam, Moustached Flowerpiercer, the unexcitingly named Drab Hemispingus, a few spectacular Scarlet-backed Mountain-Tanager, Violet-throated Starfrontlet and Blue-capped Conebill.

Wild Lupin

We crossed the pass at 3,600 metres and went for a short walk and despite the low cloud and poor visibility, still managed to see our two main targets: White-chinned Thistletail and Coppery Metailtail, one of the latter just managing to avoid being grabbed by a hunting Aplomado Falcon.

Dropping down the other side of the pass we encountered an Andean Fox by the side of the road. At another stop we saw our first Peruvian Pigeon and later, a few Buff-bridled Inca-Finch. 

Andean Fox (Culpeo)

Buff-bridled Inca-Finch
Lunch with the obligatory bottle of Inca Kola

We had a late lunch in the rather sleepy town of Balsas then walked up a dry riverbird in the blazing sunshine. It was hard going but after a while we saw our target when two Yellow-faced Parrotlets flew over. Luckily one landed on a cactus and fed while we edged closer for better views and photos.

Searching for parrotlets along this dry riverbed

Yellow-faced Parrotlet

We then drove on again, stopping for Grey-winged Inca-Finch and Chestnut-backed Thornbird before crossing another pass onto the west slopes of the Andes where we dropped down to Celenden to spend the night. 

Grey-winged Inca-Finch

The hotel resembled a building site as it was being extensively refurbished and with the restaurant being closed, we ate out in town.

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